Evluma’s EcoSpot. Identity Matches Performance and Function.

Seattle –October 4, 2010. Identifying its position in the Clearlight line of dusk-till-dawn LED retrofits, Evluma renames the 40W Clearlight Wide Optic. The new name, EcoSpot, is derived from the Wide Optic’s performance and function. The EcoSpot was first introduced to the market August 2009 and is a replacement for the mogul base 70-150W HPS and 50-175W MV bulbs used in outdoor dusk-till-dawn fixtures.

At 40W the EcoSpot is exceptionally energy efficient, says Evluma. Approved by the IDA as a Dark Sky Friendly Device, the EcoSpot appeals to customers searching for ecologically relevant lighting solutions. As a full cut-off light, with no light emitted above 60 degrees, the EcoSpot delivers directed light to the ground with a broad, spotlight effect. The entire Clearlight line is also mercury free, unlike the 70-150W HPS and 50-175W MV bulbs they replace.

Evluma’s expanding product line also initiated the name change. In September 2010, Evluma released the 50W Clearlight Beacon. The Beacon has the highest LPW of any Clearlight. Delivering up to .01 footcandles (full moonlight) at four mounting heights per side, the Beacon has the widest pattern of light on the ground among the Clearlight family.

Evluma suggests pairing the EcoSpot with other members of the Clearlight family, such as the Beacon, to strategically control what is illuminated and how. Dusk-till-dawn fixtures previously limited to a single function can be customized. “For example, you could place a Beacon in a fixture near a parking lot, but then use an EcoSpot for the fixture next to an apartment building where light trespass might be an issue,” said David Tanonis, VP of Sales & Marketing at Evluma. “At the same time, owners of Mercury Vapor fixtures can easily phase out environmentally hazardous bulbs. Energy efficiency, while key, doesn’t have to be the only thing driving a change in lighting practice.” 

Clearlight products have a 5 year warranty; an active cooling system keeps the LED junction temperature low, resulting in long life and delivering an estimated L70 of 70,000 hours or longer. LM-79 data for the each member of the Clearlight family is available at www.evluma.com. NRTL (UL equivalent) testing is currently underway at MET Laboratories. All Clearlight products are manufactured in Seattle, WA from US and imported parts. 

About Evluma
Evluma is a division of Express Imaging Systems, LLC a small business with over 150 years of combined experience developing lighting applications for photographic equipment and the photofinishing industry. Formed in 2008, Evluma is committed to developing environmentally low impact lighting solutions that are affordable and long lasting.

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